ADMAT's Maritime Archaeological Centre Opens in Monte Cristi in the Dominican Republic.

ADMAT's Maritime Archaeological Centre after extensive works.
Press Release
ADMAT Opens a Maritime Archaeological Centre in Monte Cristi
ADMAT are delighted to announce that their Maritime Archaeological Centre in Monte Cristi is now open. ADMAT has taken a lease on a complex of large dilapidated buildings which they have just completed the first stage of refurbishment. The Centre is designed to house up to 8 students in bunk style accommodation and has around 12,000 sqft of conservation tanks as well as wet and dry lab space. The centre is almost self sufficient having mains power, full kitchen, diving station with compressor and tanks and conservation facilities. The conservation tanks currently hold many artefacts from the Tile Wreck as they are scientifically examined and documented.
The building was formally a shrimp farming project which had been empty for a decade or so. When we found the disused building it had no roof, no floors, no windows no doors no power cabling water and holes in the walls. After a number of months refurbishing the centre putting on new roof, creating new toilet, kitchen and lab facilities, it is now the office for ADMAT in the Dominican Republic. The Centre will be used as an operational base for the continued survey of the Tile Wreck and other sites in 2007, as ADMAT assists the Government in the preservation of their Underwater Cultural Heritage.
Photographs before the refurbishment:
After refurbishment: