The new kitchen.

Fully functional kitchen and living area.

The kitchen looking towards one of the bunk rooms.

Dr. Spooner working hard with Isabella in support.

New security doors to the tank room.

The planting starts.

The store room washing facilities

The "wet" lab area.

The "wet" lab area, with artefacts waiting for recording.

Terracotta floor tiles from The Tile Wreck, waiting recording.

Tiles finished, with the recording process done.

Concretions from The Tile Wreck.

Inside the tank room.

The central section of inside conservation tanks.


Basil guarding the office area.

The external conservation tank drainage ditch.

Anchor One from The Tile Wreck being swung into the conservation tank.

Anchor Two from The Tile Wreck being lowered into position in the conservation tank.

Cannon Three from The Tile Wreck being lowered into place.

Dr. Francois Gendron happy that the Cannon Three is secured in the conservation tank.

Anchors Two and One from The Tile Wreck during a water change.

Anchor One from The Tile Wreck being photographed.

Fresh water to remove the saltsfrom the concretions.

Fresh water to remove the saltsfrom the concretions.

Turtles and fish are used to remove algae from the water.

The sign writer starts his work.

Nearly finished.
