Florida Keys Maritime Archaeological Field School
In The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Photographs From The 2005 Field School On The Button Wreck
19th July to 9th August 2005
It is with great pleasure that we publish these photographs from the ADMAT's 2005 Field school in the Florida Keys. In keeping with ADMAT's protocol on information, many photographs were taken during the three weeks. To publish all of the thousands of photographs would be unpractical. Therefore we have reduced the number to 500 photographs. This was a challenge in its self, but we feel that we have reduced the number enough and picked the best of the best.
To make viewing easier, we have sub divided the photographs into the following sections:
- The Project Background and Overview
- Constructing the Survey Grid
- ROV training and Evening Entertainment
- Diving, Underwater
- Ship's Construction
- School & Local Heritage Lectures
The Team working on The Button Wreck in the Florida Keys