Dr. Jenny Chow Maritime Archaeologist & Waterlogged Wood Preservation Expert.
Senior Maritime Archaeologist
DR Jennifer Chow
Short Biography
Dr. Chow completed her B.A. in archaeology at the University of Toronto, and went on to complete an M.A. degree in Museum Studies at the University of Manchester, and an M.Sc. degree in Maritime Archaeology at the University of Southampton. In 2016, she completed her Ph.D. studies in Archaeology, returning back to the University of Manchester.
Her doctoral research received an Honor Frost Foundation grant, which partly funded an experimental project on passive conservation of waterlogged wooden fragments from Henry VIII’s flagship, the Mary Rose. Her primary archaeological research concerns passive conservation of wet wood. She also has an interest and experience in the presentation and exhibition of waterlogged wood within a museum context. She is currently a visiting academic at the University of Manchester.
Dr Chow took part in the ADMAT’s Artefact Handling classes in Toronto between 2009 and 2010 as well as being a Team member in 2010 on The Tile Wreck survey. While there she conducted a RECCE dive on Le Casimir where she located the only intact large wine bottle found so far, which probably was part of the cargo of wine. She also took part in the initial RECCE for The Island Wreck survey, in Monte Cristi Bay.
In addition to diving, Jennifer also enjoys archery, camping and traveling.