Le Casimir 2018 Accommodation, Diving & Training
Accommodation & Food
The project will be based at ADMAT's Maritime Archaeological Centre, in Monte Cristi on the north coast of the Dominican Republic.
Our Co-Ed facility has: two bunk rooms, with a common room/kitchen in the middle with the usual facilities, cooker, microwave, fridge, freezer and dining table. The tank room houses the inside conservation tanks, the wet lab and office area.
The Centre has sheets, pillows, towels and blankets for the beds, but you should bring two towels for diving with you. There is a commercial size washing machine and we hang the washing to dry it.
There are no house keepers at the Centre and so all participants will be required to help with basic chores and maintenance and when applicable walk the dogs, which are part of the team.
There is a mobile telephone which can receive incoming calls. Internet facilities are currently in town about 5 miles away or the local bars which are a mile away.

A brief self service breakfast and a packed lunch for on the boat for those going on the boat will be provided. As there are not many local eating locations we will arrange a cook for the evening meals at the centre. There however a few good local bars.
The field schools are on the basis of 2 weeks per field school. If weather permits it should be possible to have two tank dives during the morning. Le Casimir is located at the base of the reef wall in around 8 meters depth. Therefore diving in the mornings will on average be for 1 hours with a simulated deco stop and a surface interval. Diving computers are required or divers will be limited to BSAC88 Tables. There are some bottom currents so care has to be taken. In addition as the wind rises from Force 1 or 2 on the Beaufort Scale to a Force 5 in around 15 to 20 mins, divers will be instructed to surface away from the reef so the boats can recover the divers quickly.
As the team is going out to the site each day in local small boats, anyone who suffers from seasickness should bring the usual medication. The average boat ride will be just under half an hour each way.
The ADMAT Diving Officer will be responsible for the diving. Full compliance with his instructions will be required. Due to Health and Safety it is a requirement that all students speak and read English.
Participants must have the following certification as a minimum, either: PADI Open Water, or BSAC Sports Diver (or the equivalent under another agency). Members will be required to send copies of their diving qualifications with their booking. Original log books or certification cards must be presented to the ADMAT Diving Officer on arrival. In addition the medical statement must also be presented upon arrival.
Please note: All divers must be fit for duty in the mornings. Under Health and Safety Regulations, anyone under the influence of alcohol will not be permitted to dive.

During the survey, archaeological water dredges will be used to remove the overburden. All the necessary training to use this and other equipment will be given.
ADMAT's maritime archaeological work on this wreck site was assisted by ADMAT-FRANCE a non profit organisation based in the Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris.
ADMAT-FRANCE is a sub division of the Anglo ~ Danish Maritime Archaeological Team
ADMAT is delighted to have an association with Muséum Nationald’Histoire Naturelle at Paris, départememt Préhistoire, UMR-CNRS 7194.