Andy making new friends

A days outing to Dieppe Bay at the far end of the island

Randolph Hamilton from the Ministry of Tourism and Derek Liburd (second and third from the left) have a diving lesson by the ADMAT BSAC instructors, Andrew Shrimpton and Dr Spooner

Andy prepares equipment for the morning

The team enjoys one of the local bars in Basseterre

Andy and Kathy

Dinner Time

Christine and Faith on kitchen duties

Faith Sahadath surrounded by the bulls

Kathy & Faith building another grid extension

Faith plans the scale site grid extension

Artefacts in Zip Lock Bags prior to recording

Andy making repairs

Jason keeps an eye on local fishermen who are fishing close to the site


Andy and Amyas with Jacqueline Armony, the Executive Director of the St. Christopher Heritage Society. She was one of the main organisers helping the project on the island and we are very grateful to her for all her hard work and support

Jason shows his sons the wreck site from the work barge

The Coastguard dive team