Raimund Krob being interviewed by Connor Grzesiak.

Dr Spooner checking Connor Grzesiak’s underwater drawings with Director Francis Soto watching.

Beach Team photo.

Raimund returns after another successful dive.

Bob Yee giving the dive briefing.

Ok so who forgot to pack the AUV with the side-scan-sonar and the magnetometer payload?

Connor Grzesiak and Lt Venture from ONPCS.

Connor Grzesiak and Raimund Krob after a successful dive.

The team with great care loads two pieces of bottom planking with horsehair and copper sheeting supported with modern planks, into the van, for transportation to the Centre.

Dr Louis Desvernay pleased that the days diving went well and that the two pieces of bottom planking were safely recovered, for forensic examination.

Connor Grzesiak and Dr Florence Prudhomme pleased with their success on the bottom planking.

Robert “Bob” Yee conducting a geophysical survey on the starboard side of the wreck.

Bob Yee locates another iron ballast bar concreted with ballast stones which is recorded and then removed and placed with the other iron ballast, to clear the area of magnetic signatures.

The team uses the archaeological water dredge to uncover the sand on a gradiometer target to find out what it is. The target had a high enough reading to be a small cannon.

Steve Abell working on carefully uncovering the gradiometer hit which turns out to be a large concretion of iron ballast bars.

A new gradiometer hit large enough to be a swivel cannon which would be exciting revealed a large concretion of iron ballast bars thrown someway from the wreck site by the explosion.

The concreted iron ballast bars are deeply buried and is a number of bars concreted in a mangles mess. There are pieces for charred timber which are in the concretion, probably caused by the flash and heat of the explosion, setting instantaneous burning, before being put out by the seawater.

Dr Spooner overseeing the uncovering.

Lifting bags deployed to steady the heavy concretion while it is being uncovered.

Raimund Krob adding another lift bag.

The concretion now totally uncovered and ready to be relocated.

The Team relocating the concretion to the pile of iron ballast blocks. Once relocated the area will be surveyed again to check if there are any other ferrous artefacts.

Safely relocated, enabling full documentation to occur as all sides are visible.

The tailgate being relocated.

The archaeological dredge being relocated.

I think we need a larger van….. a days equipment being: 20 tanks, 8 sets of dive kit, geophysical equipment, survey equipment, photographic and filming unit equipment, food, water, coolers, medical kit, O2, 8 sets of weights, 10 gallons of petrol, and some of the Team!

Presentation time Bob Yee receives his well-earned certificates.

Steve Abell receiving his certification.

Jessica Piner getting her certifications.

Steve Abell working on his scale drawings of the hull planking.