Uncovering a bronze clench bolt.

The same bolt.

Survey square C0 totally uncovered ready for drawing.

Close up of the hull planking in survey square C0 showing the trunnel holes, some of which were placed in incorrect places.

Two trunnels placed incorrectly, one in another.

Two trunnels places too close for best effect.

An originally round trunnel deformed by the curvature of the hull planking.

Two trunnels were totally missing at the time of sinking and were filled in with sand after the wrecking process.

The ballast pile of bricks can be seen above the grid. This is the amidships position of the wreck.

The Team tried to complete 16 * 1 metre squares in the two weeks, but we were unable to complete them all as there was insufficient time.

Wesley carefully removing infill in the space between the floor and futtock in survey square C2.

Dr Spooner using the DX200 on the far side of the ballast section to locate the buried mast rings.

The Explorers Club flag flying in the underwater current, which at some times pushed the divers around.

Another bronze clench bolt is located in survey square C2.

Another bronze clench bolt. This one still bent at 90 degrees by the wrecking process with the base still in the hull planking.

The same bole uncovered.

The archaeological water dredge in action

The tail end with Christina and Ruth working on the tailgate.

The Team uncovering the "turn of the bilge".

Understanding the ships construction.