Slowly the gridsurvey area is uncovered revealing the lower hull timbers.

A metal detector hit in the Macro Shipscape area.

The ballast pile of bricks which is amidships and was scattered by the looters, can be clearly seen.

Hand fanning in survey square A0.

Deploying the dredge in survey square A0 which was the centre line of the ship and where the keel was located.

Removing some of the sea grass which accumulates every night by the currents.

One of our friends next to the limberhole.

The turn of the bilge is located.

Working inverted in survey square A0.

Finding that all the hull is missing from the keel to starboard side.

Fish are Friends.

Fish are Friends.

Some of the excellent coral on the top of the reef.

Ruth down below.

The last Bronze clench bold to be found during the survey.

Survey Square D1 cleared and ready for recording.

The task of covering the timbers begins.

Dismantling the grid and covering with sand bags.

The survey area covered by sand bags and coral sand nearly finished.

Heading for home after an excellent survey.