Raimund uses the DX200 graidometer.

Raimund marks a target for further investigation found with the DX200.

Close inspection of the squares prior to hand fanning.

Working the dredge tail gate to ensure there are no small items accidentally removed by the archaeologists on the dredge head.

A bronze clench bolt found just below the surface in survey square D3.

A close up of the bronze bolt.

Ruth and Wesley hard at work measuring the planking.

Survey square D0 after hand fanning showing the hull planking.

Raimund cleans out the coral rubble and moved ballast bricks from the space between the futtocks and floors.

Hand fanning square C1.

Ruth finding a copper alloy thimble in survey square C3.

Raimund hand fanning survey square C0.

Raimund placing the archaeological water dredge on to survey square B2.

John organising the divers.

Wesley checking his measurements in survey square B1.

A piece of lead sheeting, with coral growth found on the wreck site.

Another lead crystal scalloped shell class perfume bottle found on the wreck site.

Can you spot the bronze clench bolt head which has partially been uncovered?