The Team about to descend down to the wreck of Le Casimir.

A scalloped shell class oflead crystal perfume bottle on site.

A copper alloy thimble, part of the cargo can be seen at the left end of the middle futtock.

A barrel class of lead crystal perfume bottle.

A blue and white faienceware ointment pot, part of the cargo.

Another blue and white pot.

The original "bottle bank" cave which was totally destroyed by the looters.

Off to the wreck site flag flying.

Flying the flag on the site.

The Team heading back after a successful day.

Survey square B0 with some of the sand covering removed.

Survey square C0 showing the upper section of the bottom planking.

Survey square B1 before hand fanning.

Survey squares C1 and D1, partially uncovered.

Survey squares B0, C0 and B1, C1 looking at the ballast pile of bricksand the floors and futtocks.

The dredge boat on station above the wreck site.

Ruth and Wesley carefully checking the surface of each square prior to starting hand fanning.

Raimund hand fanning survey square D2.

The floors and futtocks outside the survey area.

The survey grid on Le Casimir bow section.