Simon carefully hand fanning to expose a pulley wheel

Tthe pulley wheel slowly emerges

Square A1 with the pulley wheel in situ

Close up of pulley wheel in situ with scale

Florence and Simon working on dredge head

The fish were quick to make the newly excavated parts of the wreck their own, here between two double heighted futtocks

Jeremy Schomberg, Logistics Expert and Underwater Photographer, surfaces after yet another exciting dive

Louis and Roberto measures the wreck

The Abyss camera in action, here seen next to Kathy

A piece of PVC piping has been temporally removed to lower the dredge head further

Our most faithful, cute and curios resident friends on the wreck were the puffer fish.

Andy taking his turn checking the dredge tail

Joe Simmonds, Senior Fisheries Officer from the Fisheries Management Unit comes to see the site for himself.

The Aquascan underwater towed camera also worked very well as a stationary camera

Simon and Christine, the founders of ADMAT, puts a section of the PVC piping back in place

Christine testing the blue hose