Simon's back yard full of inflatable boats!

Christine assisting Chris. Note the garage full of equipment

The "Office Tent" was donated by Dr. Toby Parker, ADMAT's Professor of Maritime Archaeology

Like all the equipment, the tent was tested

The view from the office window

The arrival of the first batch of equipment at The Geest Line shipping depot in Southampton. Jeremy kindly arranged transportation

Simon, Andy & Jeremy in front of the two containers supplied by The Geest Line

Christine and Simon

One of the official project signs

Andy arranged and drove the army transport to deliver two pontoon boats donated to ADMAT by the Army, as arranged by Mick

The off loading

Already to rig

Andy rigs the strops

Andy oversees the delicate lifting operation. The forklift was provided by The Geest Line

Easy with a forklift ... however it would be manpower at the other end on the beach

The first pontoon boat is gently slid into the container

Gently does it

Andy relieved that the pontoon boats have been loaded without damage

Jeremy & Simon start filling the containers

How to quickly fill a container

Official pose No:1

Official pose No:2 Simon and Jeremy