The large anchor ring from anchor No:1

The same anchor ring with the shank. No sign of the wooden stock was found which was to be expected

A friendly flat fish

A close up photo before it swam away. Excellent A close up photo before it swam away. Excellent camouflage

Simply beautiful, nature at its best

Some of the large brain coral outside the wrecking area

A large piece of blue flint, amongst some curved iron concretions

A large iron concretion shaped like a curved bar

More angular iron concretions

A possible iron keel bolt

River rounded small ballast stones and a small piece of red brick

Excellent coral growth on one of the granite blocks

Round ballast stones with staining from an iron object

New post wrecking coral growth on top of the dead smashed coral

View of the wreck site from the island beach

View along the beach to the northern reef which marks the northern limit of the macro Shipscape wrecking site