Possible iron keel bolt, one of a series found in the shallows

Fantastic Brain Coral

The underside of concreted trunnions of a six pounder iron cannon

The casquetball up to the first reinforcement of an iron cannon with a series of holes in it. At the bottom of these holes was a Red Rock Boring sea urchin

Another angle of the casquetball of the iron cannon with the holes in it

Local research conducted by our staff Rami found this photo of the same iron cannon. Note that the iron cannon resting on it was apparently stolen many years ago and moved to another site, so we are told

The muzzle of the same iron cannon. Note the holes in it

A close up showing the holes in this iron cannon

Another iron cannon part of a collection which were thrown over the side in a desperate attempt to lighten the ship during the initial throws of the wrecking process

Divers measuring the iron cannons to DGPS reference points on the site

Beautiful fan corals

Dominican staff member Rami measuring in some of the granite blocks

Unknown iron concretions found on the seabed

The reef life to the north of the site

A small piece of grey knapped flint concreted to ballast stones

Jonathan Cho Fook Lun, from Barbados, surfacing from a dive

Divers returning to the boat under the watch full eye of Rami our Dive Master

The ring of one of the main anchors