Student Wesley Korpela who came to the Artefact Handling course in 2011, looking forward to his first dive on site

Fish fish everywhere

A concreted iron ship's nail

The shoals of fish rising up the reef

As they say "Fish are friends"

The team are deployed in pairs one hundred meters apart and given instructions to swim due west towards the island. Each team carries a deployed surface marker buoy

The second pare about to dive. The first pair can be seen in the distance by their marker buoy

Divers recovered

The third pair Peter Heyes and Wesley getting ready

Large brain coral on the edge of the drop off

The Team sets out from Monte Cristi to the wreck sits some ten miles out to sea on the edge of The Monte Cristi Bank amongst The Severn Brother Islands

Beautiful shapes and colours

The fish and coral life prove a great distraction as it is hard work looking for clues in the coral and on the reefs

A single concreted six pound iron cannon, upside down where it had been jettisoned off the ship

An iron bolt from the ship's construction

More ship's nails resting on the coral bedrock on the island approaches