One of two four pounder iron cannon ball from The Tile Wreck with concretion. Note the one on the right has considerable more concretion

One of two four pounder iron cannon ball from The Tile Wreck with concretion. Note the one on the right has considerable more concretion

The concretion removed

A small sherd being examined

One of the six pounder iron cannon balls from The Island Wreck with the concretion removed

A Ghost concretion of an iron square headed nail from The Island Wreck

Ballast rock sample IWa from The Island Wreck, cut but not polished.

Sample IWaunder a 10 X magnification

Ballast rock sample IWb from The Island Wreck, cut but not polished

Sample IWbunder a 10 X magnification.

Ballast rock sample IWc from The Island Wreck, cut but not polished

Ballast rock sample IWc from The Island Wreck, cut but not polished

Sample IWcunder a 10 X magnification

Ballast rock sample IWd from The Island Wreck, cut but not polished

Sample IWdunder a 10 X magnification

Ballast rock sample IWe from The Island Wreck, cut but not polished

Sample IWeunder a 10 X magnification

Ballast rock sample IWf from The Island Wreck, cut but not polished

Sample IWfunder a 10 X magnification

Wesley, Prof. Fernandez, Dr. Spooner and Director Flavia Perez

Dr. Spooner, Yassi Ramos, Wesley and Prof. Fernandez

Students from Santiago University being given a tour of the ADMAT lab

Wesley showing some of the artefacts currently under conservation

Dr. Spooner demonstrating how a Barbers Bowl works, from The Tile Wreck

Dr. Spooner explaining the anchors from The Tile Wreck to Prof. Fernandez and Director Flavia Disla Perez

Dr Spooner demonstrating the Site Recorder program which was used to map The Tile Wreck Shipscape

Students and staff member Rami working out how to weigh one of the small granite blocks from The Tile Wreck.

Weighing the water in the container so we can use that as a known weight

Bianka with her support staff who prepared all the excellent meals etc

ADMAT dog MO daughter of IZI