Simon inspects the black sponge, to ensue the sponge is missed by the grid. In fact a square side was deliberately left out to protect the sponge.

Dimitri going inverted

Simon hand fanning around the black sponge

Kathy and Sarah start measuring

A small artefact

A floor timber is uncovered

A trunnel recorded

Evidence of sea grass destroying the historic timbers

OK from David.

Simon examining the keelson keeping clear of the coral growth on the iron keel bolts

Simon examining the keelson keeping clear of the coral growth on the iron keel bolts

Difficult position to work in

Jayne finishing up her work in her square

Guillaume and Frank, finished for the day.

Bad lightning storm approaches

Sarah recording

Jessica commences her recording

Sarah finished another square.

Kathy examining a new square.

Kathy measuring in the timbers

Simon hand fanning the keelson.

Guillaume pleased with his work

Surface time for two of the team

Kathy checking her notes